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Case Study

An in depth study of an individual unit where that unit is approached by some larger phenomenon.

What is this Tool?

A case study is a tool that can be used to help learners verify, clarify and critically evaluate data being presented (Dammers, p.30). While the medium can change, the structure of a case strudy should remain fundamentally the same- a description of the problem or 'case' at hand and supporting data of some kind, such as videos, scenarios, articles, etc. The decision makershould be the individual (or member of a group) responsible for reviewing the data and case in it's entirety to propose a solution or action plan.

Relevance to Adult Learning

Case studies give learners the opportunity to participate in problem based learning which allows them to prepare and practice with scenarios relevant to their job, class, or experience. Because the subject matter is relevant to the learner, motivation and retention tend to be higher as adults want to see 'what's in it for me'. It can help with strengthening the use of problem solving skills along with analytical tools when reviewing/synthesizing data provided. Case studies do not usually provide every single piece of information a learner may want by design in order to assist in understanding how to cope with ambiguity and use a thorough thought process that can be applied beyond the case in the moment.

How to Use in Corporate Training

Hiring: Case studies are a great interviewing tool as they can be built strategically to give applicants a taste of a real life experience and allow them to showcase their own knowlege and decision making proces

Medical Diagnoses: For medical training, real patient cases can be used to provide examples with genuine complexity and allow staff to develop their conclusions and submit their findings in a safe environment and recieve feedback.  

Case Based Discussions-special scenarios: Regardless of fields, a case study discussion can be created by taking a special scenario (one that occurs in their role but likely not often) and providing complex context to the situation and requiring the learners to make a decision. This can be facilitating in a live training session with open ended questions such as 'what key facts need to be considered', 'what alternatives are available', 'what is the recommendation, etc'.

Resources & Examples

How To Write A Case Study? | Amazon Case Study Example

Teaching Technique 24: Case Studies

Case-based Learning

Examples of Great Case Studies to Follow


Dammers, J., Spencer, J., & Thomas, M. (2001). Using real patients in problem-based learning: students' comments on the value of using real, as opposed to paper cases, in a problem-based learning module in general practice. Medical Education, 35, 27-34. 

Shivakumar,K. (2012). The Case Study Method in Training and Management Education. 1-13.

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